Open Illustrator
Make an 8"x8" document
Click on the square tool
Holding down the shift key, make a square the same size of the artboard
Give this element a color of 100, 98, 20, 28 in CMYK format
Change the square tool to the star tool
Make a star about 2"x2" and rotate it 47 degrees clockwise
Only include the bottom two points in the artboard, the top half will be cut off from the board
Place this star about 3.5" inwards using the ruler tool
Make another star
This star should be 1.8"x1.8" and rotated 329 degrees
Place this star 1.5" inwards and fit the entire star onto the artboard
Make another star 5.5" inward on the artboard, it's dimensions are 1.9"x1.9" and 281 degrees rotated
4th star: 1 inch in, 1.2"x1.2", 252 deg.
5th star: 3 inches in, 1.5"x1.6", 286 deg.
6th star: 7 inches in, 1.3"x1.2" 243 deg.
7th star: 3/8 of an inch in, .6"x.6", 286 deg.
8th star: 2 and 1/8 inches in, .8"x.8", 22 deg. rotated. This star should have the top point facing downward
9th star: 4 and 3/8 inches in, 1"x1", 268 deg. rotated but it's top point is now facing up, not down
Keep making your stars progressively smaller and smaller throughout the artboard (bigger at the top, smaller towards the bottom)
Leave a 1 inch margin at the bottom of your artboard ("white" space 7"-8")
Select all of your stars
Change their color to the CMYK value 1, 0, 25, 0
Give them a black stroke of 1pt
Export your file as a .png
Fit it to the artboard because of the top bleed (select "Use Artboards" and save it with a black background)
Email your creation to me at aruben@gmu.edu
You're done!